





的 住房 Division administers the State 住房 Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) program 和 other housing funding.  Types of assistance include: purchase assistance; home repair; 和 rent/mortgage assistance to low-income households. 灾难援助是根据需要进行的. We also support the development of affordable housing through incentives 和 subsidies administered through the Charlotte HOME program 和 conduct compliance monitoring on funded rental units. Staff serve as liaison to the 经济适用房谘询委员会.


  • 购买援助- 目前不接受申请
  • 回家修理
    • 紧急维修 -(与飓风无关)
    • 康复, 新的应用程序则不是。 在这个时候被接受
  • 租金/抵押贷款援助
  • 灾难恢复援助
    • SHIP-DR Insurance Deductible Assistance - Program is closed.  处理已批准的付款申请.
    • SHIP disaster assistance is available for Hurricane Ian/Idalia recovery.  申请可于 www.coadfl.org 和 appropriate c和idates are referred for assistance.
    • 海堤维修协助 - Program is reopened for submission of requests for reimbursement.  完整的应用包 can be submitted via certified mail or h和 delivery to the 家庭服务中心 at 21500直布罗陀博士. 1单元夏洛特港,佛罗里达州33952.
    • Other 人类服务 programs may also be able to provide disaster recovery assistance.  灾难恢复援助已经接通 www.coadfl.org.


海堤维修援助计划 2024年7月8日重新开放.  合资格的业主可提交一份 完整应用程序包 for reimbursement of up to 50% of eligible costs associated with the repair of Hurricane Ian or Nicole damaged seawalls on eligible properties.  没有收入或财产价值的限制.  Low/Moderate-Income households can apply for a reduced match 和 vendor payments on 成功之路.  Assistance is provided on a first eligible, first served basis.

Rebuild Florida Hurricane 住房 Replacement 和 Repair Program (HRRP)

佛罗里达电子商务已经推出了它的 Rebuild Florida Hurricane Ian 住房 Repair 和 Replacement Program Assessment. 与住房和城市发展部拨款, the 住房 Repair 和 Replacement Program (HRRP) will assist 和 prioritize the most vulnerable homeowners 和 property owners impacted by Hurricane Ian through the repair, 重建, 或更换被地震破坏的房屋, 包括活动房屋. 至少, 70 percent of program funds must meet the Low-to-Moderate Income National Objective, with the greatest prioritization for households with incomes less than 50 percent of Area Median Income.


夏洛特家园(住房机会更容易), an incentive program for affordable housing developers, was adopted by the Board of 县委员会ers (BCC) on July 28, 2020 to reduce barriers 和 attract developers of affordable housing to Charlotte County. Available incentives include (but are not limited to): expedited permitting; impact fee waiver; l和 donation; density; utility connection 和 other fee subsidies; etc. Applications for incentives are reviewed by a panel of representatives from: 社区发展; 人类服务/住房; 和 公用事业公司. Incentives are determined on a tiered basis contingent upon the score achieved on the prioritization matrix. Tier II, III 和 IV applications require AHAC 和 BCC approval. 可与审查委员会取得联系 CharlotteHOME@charlottecountyfl.政府.


经济适用房谘询委员会 is m和ated by ​state statute 和 enforced within Charlotte County by 决议 2008-070. Members are appointed by the Board of 县委员会ers (BCC). 的 AHAC meets bi-monthly to review housing policies 和 funding 和 make recommendations to the BCC. 的 Committee also approves the county’s Local 住房 Assistance Plan (LHAP) every three years.



澳门正规网赌网址大全房屋科 is seeking licensed 和 insured contractors to work with the SHIP 住房 Rehabilitation Program. 招聘通知


这是夏洛特郡的政策, 符合美国法律的, of America 和 the spirit of the Constitution of the State of Florida, 通过公平促进, orderly 和 lawful procedure the opportunity for each person so desiring to obtain housing of such person's choice in this county, 不分种族, color, 祖先, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性, 婚姻状况, 家族的地位, 残疾或年龄, 和, 为此目的, 禁止任何人在房屋方面的歧视.
(奥德. No. 96-003, § 2, 2-6-96)



科琳K. •特纳 高级经理/船舶管理员
Gromalski丰富, 夏洛特家庭协调员/公平住房协调员

21500直布罗陀博士. 1号机组


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